- 4th and 5th grade girls
- 3 teams only - TWO 5th grade teams & ONE 4th grade team
- Girls will be placed on a summer league team and assigned a coach
- Coaches will coordinate practices with parents
- 1 practice a week that fits the players' schedules
- Practices begin in April
- Summer league begins at Spooky Nook late May/early June
- 8-10 games
- $30/players - Money due in May/June
- Girls who play in the spring/summer have more success in the fall and winter
- Girls in the travel program must also attend the evaluation
- Pre-register your daughter for the evaluation on SignUpGenius by using this link
- Check the sign up link to see other girls who are signed up!
5th Grade - Casey Doerschuk and Marc Robeson
5th Grade - Sean Burns and Joe Floyd
4th Grade Brian Miller, Tara Reed, and Jason Bosch
Contact Amanda Burns at if you have any questions.