Thursday, October 26, 2017

Open Gym

Open Gym Tonight!
Open to all players in all grades
Come to Doe Run tonight from 6-715pm
See you there!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Tryouts Cont.

We field two travel teams at the elementary level. There will be a 6th Grade team and a 5th Grade team.  However, if girls are good enough they could make a higher level team (ie. 5th grader making the 6th grade team, 4th grader making the 5th grade team).

Travel teams have at least 2 practices a week, plus game(s), and travel to other schools. It is very competitive.

Once tryouts are complete, girls will be placed on either a travel team or an intramural team. If you have any further questions, send to the email at the right. More info can also be found on the TRAVEL LEAGUE tab.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Travel tryouts

Travel tryouts are just around the corner!  You should have received an email for a signup genius if your daughter is in 4,5,or 6th grade.  Please register ASAP for tryouts using SignUp genius.  This allows coaches to be prepared for the players that will be attending tryouts.

Tryouts for the two teams will be held on Oct. 16th and 17th at Doe Run.  Tryouts will be held from 6-730 and are closed to parents, siblings, etc. Please have the girls there 10 minutes early, as tryouts will begin promptly at 6.

More info in the coming days......

Friday, October 6, 2017

Upcoming Events

Coming Week

There is nothing scheduled this week due to Farm Show. Enjoy the week.

October 16/17th

Tryouts for travel league will be held that Monday and Tuesday for all players interested in trying out for the 5th Grade team and the 6th Grade team.  For more info on travel league, click on the Travel TAB.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Open gyms at new Doe Run Monday night!

The hours of the gym have been changed (PREVIOUS POST IS NOW CHANGED) to make it easier for parents to get there.....and to match the flyers that were handed out at the last signup. Also, one was cancelled due to Farm Show Parade night.  If you are not signed up yet, show up anyways and we will get you signed up!

Enter thru the main entrance of the new school and proceed to the gym.....See You there!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Open Gyms

Open Gyms for all Skill Levels!
October 2nd     6-7 PM (3&4th Grade)
                         7-8  PM (5&6th Grade)
October 4th      6-7 PM (3&4th Grade)
                         7-8 PM (5&6th Grade)
Bring your daughter to an open gym to get her used to her new surroundings at Doe Run.  Open gyms are for all skill levels and are an opportunity to get a jump start on the season!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Signups are Here
Time to sign up your player
When:  Sept 23rd 9-11AM
October 4th 6-8PM
Where:  Burgard Café(Enter at Gym)
Who: All MC girls grades 3-6
Come to either registration date for both intramural and travel signups. More info will be given at that time.